sponsored by the Institute for Learning Centered Education
“Through my involvement in this poverty initiative, I found the concrete strategies to be most useful in helping our students. My vision as a teacher is to have made a real difference in a child’s life. I believe that this initiative is a step in that direction.”
— Participant
“Personally, I feel as though my participation in this process has made me a better, more thoughtful teacher. Actions follow intentions. And I feel that setting goals and moving forward towards meeting them is an amazing start. It has helped open my eyes to the struggles that people in poverty face.”
— Participant, Chateaugay School District
“One of the things that struck me during today’s work was processing the feedback. We had overwhelming support from the staff. It made me feel good that all our hard work was recognized and appreciated. It is encouraging that some teachers said we have given them a reason to return to school in September. I feel like we are really on the right track. Thanks for all your support through this process.”
— Participant, Tupper Lake Central School District
“Participating on this team will be of great personal and professional value to me. By obtaining a greater understanding of the challenges faced by students experiencing poverty and trauma I will be better able to adjust my practices and policies to enable them to have more success. I want to be a leader for change both in my classroom and in my entire district.”
— Participant, Edwards-Knox Central School District
“[This workshop has] allowed me to increase my knowledge about poverty and trauma issues, as well as fill my toolbox with more ideas so that I am better able to advocate for students and work with families & staff effectively.”